
Speaker | Becky Hart from Event Crush

Venue | Provisions Market Hall

Event | Engaging Eugene

With this blog, I will be sharing a lot about what I have learned over the last two years working with other planners, vendors and clients. Before I do so, I want to recognize the planners who have been my mentors over the past year and have taught me all that I know.

Firstly, Deanna Nash from Deanna Nash Events has been a spectacular role model and has taught me a lot about the planning process, coordinating and the industry. I am so grateful to be learning from a wedding planning expert like her.

Next, I have had the pleasure of assisting Holly Orr from Paper Heart Events at her exquisite weddings. Holly's organization and expertise are critical to my learning.

Additionally, Christine Garrison from CMG Weddings & Events is a dear mentor of mine. Assisting at a wedding with her was so amazing; she really takes pride in her craft, and I aspire to be like her. Her successful business motivates me every day to chase my dreams and never give up.

There are so many other planners who have taught me and inspire me to this day. I have also worked for: Debra Meadows from Meadows Events, Kimberly Paolone from K. Rae Events, Becky Hart from Event Crush and Shelly Kane from Moxie Events | Luxe Rentals | Home Design, just to name a few.

All of these women inspire me, and I could not be more grateful for their advice and lessons during my college years. Their talent for crafting beautiful events should never go unnoticed, and their dedication to community over competition is refreshing and so appreciated!

Thank you to all of my mentors!

Love always,

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