Community Over Competition


Over the past year, I have learned more about the wedding industry than I could have ever imagined. The people I have chosen to surround myself with, including planners and other vendors, in Eugene and Los Angeles, have had the most uplifting and generous attitudes towards helping and teaching me about their work. The idea of community over competition has stuck with me, and my goal now is to implement this mindset throughout my business and help those who are in my shoes when they are starting to learn about this line of work.

In my opinion, this industry especially thrives when everyone involved has the opportunity to learn from and work with one another. Collaborating and creating a kind, learning environment for all to work in is key. Especially in Los Angeles, wedding planning is a substantial market, but there is plenty of work to go around. Being kind and generous to everyone is so important to have a successful business and to sustain relationships with clients and other vendors.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and my dreams over this past year. Your contributions to the community over competition mindset does not go unnoticed, and I am so grateful to be working with such passionate and caring people.

Love always,

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